Revitalize Your Skin

Stretch Marks Removal Treatment in Kilpauk

Laser Stretch Marks Removal in Kilpauk

Stretch marks are a common problem faced by almost every individual from adolescents, pregnant women to obese adults. Stretch marks are tough to handle altogether however advanced technology and expert medical advice can significantly minimize their visibility.

We at Peach examine the type of stretch marks and understand your lifestyle and medical records before suggesting the treatment options. We recommend various treatments like Chemical Peels, Tretoin Creams, Lasers and Microneedling Radio Frequency (MNRF) which have proven to be effective even with older stretch marks.

Walk into Peach for hassle-free Tattoo Removal ! Fix an appointment with us either online or Dial +91 - 7867000035 to let our support team schedule an appointment for you with our dermatologist based on your availability.. Contact Us